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Mula kn hari anda dengan senyuman!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mula kn hari anda dengan senyuman! Yeah!!!! Even ada problem pun, juts relax and chill out. Go makan or movie. Be cool ok. Tgk nie. Aku tgk cool giler walaupun badan tgh panas disinari cahaya matahari yg kuat giler pagi nie. Nie aku tgh godek2 photobooth kat iMac aku nie. Leh snap pic sampai 4 image. Xyah susah nak susun lik. Hehehehe Best giler.!!! Jom berphoto!!!

2nd chance!

Wake up!!!! Morning nie... Yallah.. Mengeliat tak ingat dunia. Rase nak tidor je lagi. Tak cukup tidow. Huhuhu.. Bila pikir kan hal semalam rase cam nak cari je doreamon mintak time machine. Nak kembali ke masa lampau. Betul kan ape yg dah silap. Tapi!!!!!!! Time machine xwujud. Huhuhu. tu sebab manusia kena belajar dari kesilapan. Manusia tak kan terlepasa dari buat silap. Tak kira kecik ke besar. Kenapa kite xleh nak beri peluang kepada those yg dah buat silap. Maybe diorang need time to repair them self from the mistake that they had done. For me aku slalu je maaf kan org and 2nd chance tu mmg important sgt coz aku byk gak buat silap. heheheh. So aku nak org sentiasa beri aku peluang and tunjuk ajar kalo ada tersilap ape2 pun. So yg kat luar sana tu pikir masak2 and jgn pikir masak cekodok je. Just give them 2nd chance. Tuhan sentiasa akan tolong. All the best. Adios

Be happy

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yeah.. Be happy everyone. Kenapa nak pening kan pale? Just relax. No need to rush for anything. AKu tahu semua oranga da problem, semua orang ada masalah. Tapi jangan jadi kan ia sebagai alasan utk anda tidak bergembira. Kita sebagai manusia kena sentiasa happy. Anything anywhere. Baru la hidup leh sihat. Senyum slalu. Sedekah kan senyuman kan bagus. Yang penting adalah positif thinking. Kena slalu ingat. Positiffffff!!! Then semua ada beres. Jangan slalu pikir negatif. Bahaya. Semua problem ada penyelesaian. Cuma belum dapat ilham terbaik utk selesai kan masalah. Kena be always relax. Pergi tenang kan diri. Bukan tendang kan bibik!! Okok. Just be happy ok.

PS. Pics kat atas tu aku snap kat i-city kat Shah Alam tadi. Time tengah antar member balik Klang. Pergi la tgk. Lawa!!! Heheheh

Yg buruk itu dari diri sendiri

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hi.. Just come back form campus. Pretty buzy ari nie. Nak kena siap kan assignmnet before when for CNY holiday ( aku cuti ke??) Hahahah.. Ape pun byk benda terjadi kat kite selama nie. Tapi ada kah kite perasan yg sebenar nyer punca masalsh tu dari diri sendiri? Kite yg penyebab masalah kite tu. Yela kan, kalo kite xcari xkan dia leh dtg. Tapi yang pelik kan kenapa sometimes people do blame other people when ever got problem? Did they never really think properly that yang the main factor adalah dari diri sendiri? Always salah kan org lain. Dari salah kan org lain kenapa x cari jln penyelesaian utk problem. Kalo asyik bertekak then saper bila2 xkan selesai. Yela kan, yg baik dtg dari tuhan, dan yg buruk tu dari diri sendiri.. Semua org ada sifat kemarahan. Kalo yang xde tu entah la.. Ape pun sini aku nak kasi tips on how to handle problem with peolpe :

1. Before nak marah ke ape, cool down 1st, jgn gelojoh nak sound org. (ingat org lain jugak ada perasaan)
2. Istifar dlu byk2. Ingat kat tuhan. Pikir npew tuhan turun kan bala pada kite. ( itu pun kalo masih ingat kat tuhan la)
3. Basuh muka dgn air sekurang2 3x. ( jgn air panas atau teh o. Tu dah jadi minum petang!)
4. Turun kan ego!!!!
5. Pikir balik npew problem nie terjadi dari semua sudut. Think out of the box in safety zone!
6. Cari jln penyelesain yg terbaik utk 2-2 pihak.
7. Kalo kusut cari member or teman yg leh kasi pendapat munasabah+sarawk tapi funny ( utk hilang stress) Jgn cari member utk lepaskn geram. Kalo dpt member yg leh tahan xpe. Tapi kalo member yg jenis hot temper gak! Then abis la korang!!!
8. Rendah kan nada suara bila bercakap ketika menyelesaikan masalah ( xyah pai nak guna mic)
9. Berbaik lah sesama kite. Semua manusia sama je. Kite buat silap. Maaf2 kan jela
10. Bersolat mintak ampun dari tuhan. Moga allah lembut kan hati yg keras tu.. Amin

Tu je la yg aku leh share. Renung-renung kan. Selamat beramah!!!!

Btw pic yg kat atas tu gula2 momo, aku jumpa time lepak kat kedai mkn petang tadi. Aku beli coz packing lawa. Hahahahah

Sleep well for your health

Monday, February 8, 2010

Best nyer tidow. Tambah kalo time tengahari pas mkn. Feeling giler! Rase high je.. Hahah. Sebenarnyer tidow ni adalah satu hikmah tuhan jadi utk manusia. Seseorang tu paling kurang kena tidow 8jam. Kalo dpt tidow 20 jam tu melampau!!!.. Tidow adalah satu senaman utk merehatkan badan yg telah berkerja lebih dari time yg sepatut nyer. Tidow leh relax kan bdn, tenang kan fikiran, cas energy yg dah nak abis. Macam2 la. Bak kata tidow tu pekara baik. Pahala tu! Hehehe. Tapi jgn la tidow ikut suke hati. Kadang2 manusia nie suke tidow xikut timing. Pagi la, petang, ada lak yg time mahgrib.. Yalllah... Saper yg nak mimpi dia cam citer kungfu2 lawan naga raksaksa, then tidow la petang. Sure xjumpa naga jumpa, raksaksa. Pasti kan korang leh bangun. Kalo xbangun tu sure dah kena telan dgn dinasor. Hahahaha. Ape pun tidor secukup nyer. Heheheh

Cendol Titiwangsa

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ini la 1 of aku nyer fav desert. Best giler. Cendol ni la lama menapak kat Titiwangsa nie. Kalo korang cari kat area Tmn Tasik Titiwangsa sure ada nyer. Terletak kat lot parking kete, blakang istana budaya. Cendol ni mmg sedap giler. Selain tu ada gak dia jual rojak dgn mee rebus. So kalo korang lepak kat area tu jgn lupa singgah. Sambil tu leh tgk tasik. Hehehehe... Best!!!!!

Be your self

Today Sunday. For sure those yg berpasangan sure keluar gi dating (Midvaley, BB, One Utama). Sometimes bila aku tgk those couple nie happy aku pun turut tumpang happy. Yela kan seronok tgk diaorg laugh together, enjoy those single moment together. But ada gak pasangan yg not berapa happy la. Sure there where misunderstood somewhere else. So bila sentuh bab relationship nie, there were too much thing related together. Money, times, parents, and most off all behavior.

Why most of the pasangan every times they do be with their partner they sure try to be someone else? Why can they be them self. For sure mostly all the guy. They sure be someone more lovely person. Semua ayat lembut, janji manis mcm gula2 kapas. But maybe it part of nature right. When ever you meet a girl please be soft with them. Even when we spoke with our mom also lembut right. But sometimes why do they have to be that kind of person? Bila depan pompuan je baik. But bila blakang, lain citer. Hahahahaha.. Tu part before couple...

Once they start relationship, they guys sure expose their bad behavior 1 by 1. And then why the girls can't excepts it with open minded? You guys dah promise before. Terima seadanyer, jgn compare dgn other person, stay live longer until the end. Tapi belum lagi the end dah masuk bab lain. Girl use to complain about guys. Say not prefect la, xmo ikut ckp la, jual ikan la. A lot of those stuff. Haiyaaaa. Before this xmo complain. Dah terjebak baru nak kecoh2. Maybe ada reason laki behave like that. Yela kan. Dah nak diri kan rumah tangga, at least they wanted the girl know how they behave, how they really act and most of it can do girl really excepts those changes before married? Because guys uselly changes after married. They need to become head of family, pay those bills, they house stuff. Working. Later got kids they money some more..

For me la, just be your self what ever you do in your life. No need to pretend to be some else. Maybe for 2-3 times can ( for sake of goodness). Semua org ada problem, semua org ada benda nak complain. But just remember. There nothing perfect in these world. Just terima ape yg ada. and try to improve menjadi yg lebih baik dari sekarang. Smoking to less smoking, sembahyang at least yg wajib buat dlu. Dari pemarah jadi lembut hati skit. Yg keras kepala, turun kan ego skit. Semua skit. Xperlu tukar semua. Kita tinggal kat dunia nie bersama. bukan sorang2.. Ape pun korang leh pikir kan sendiri. Aku doa kan those couple out there hope you guys last longer until married and those yg xde berdoa la pada tuhan, insyallah anda akan dpt jugak.. Amin...


Saturday, February 6, 2010
Wawawa.. Setelah lama xmain yoyo akhir nyer sentuh aku gak benda alah nie. Aku dah lama involve dlm dunia yoyo. Every Saturday ada meeting dgn member yoyoer yg lain kat Sunway. Kadang2 kat One Utama pun. Yoyo is very interesting toys to play with. Bukan utk budak2 je. Tgk dlu cara aku main then you will be suprised. If you guys interested nak tau psl yoyo nie, leh la dtg Sunway setiop sabtu kul 2 or leh gi kat website m-yo.com.. Slemat beroyo

Wall Climbing!

Fuhhhh.. Penat!!!! Lps abis je keje kat opis terus gerak ke Shah Alam. Wall Climbing!!!. 1st time after 7 year tinggal sukan nie. Ingat xmampu dah. Skali tadi nie, perghhh.. Mantap lagi beb. Thx to jawa coz kasi naik free. Hehehehe. Those korang yg xde aktiviti, leh dtg kat Extreme Park Shah Alam. Bukan takat wall je, futsal, skate park, football field, motocross, Burger King, Pizza and KFC sebagai kudapan. Yela kan penat main. Normal bukak sampai kul 1. Kalo leh dtg awal lagi bagus. Well, that all for today. T next time kalo aku panjat lagi aku take pic ok. Tadi xbudget pun nak naik. Heheheheh. Happy climbing!

Killing me softly

Friday, February 5, 2010
Struming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
killing me softy with his song
killing me softly with his song
telling my whole life
with his words
killing me softly with his song

I heard he sang a good song
I heard he had a style
and so i came to see
and listen for a while

and there he was this younge boy
a stranger to my eyes
Struming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
killing me softy with his song
killing me softly with his song
telling my whole life
with his words
killing me softly with his song

I felt all flushed with fever
Embarrassed by the crowd
I felt he found my letter
and read eachone out loud
I prayed that he would finish
but he just kept right on
Struming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
killing me softy with his song
killing me softly with his song
telling my whole life
with his words
killing me softly with his song

he sang as if he knew me
In all my darkness fair
and then he looked right through me
as if i wasn't there
and he kept on singing
singing clear and strong
Struming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
killing me softy with his song
killing me softly with his song
telling my whole life
with his words
killing me softly with his song

ohhhhhhhhhhh oohhhhhhh...lalalal..ohhhh lalaaaaaaa

Struming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
killing me softy with his song
killing me softly with his song
telling my whole life
with his words
killing me (softly)

he was strumming my pain
yeah he was seing my life
killing me softly with his song
killing em softly with his song
telling my whole life with his words
killing me softly with his song

Ni ada 1 of aku nyer fav song. Best dgr lagu nie. Lagu lama nie. Zaman era time aku kecik dlu. Feeling je dgr lagu nie. So pagi2, time before gi class, sure dgr lagu cam nie.. Heaven


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Nie dia. Teknologi baru dari Apple. iPad. Benda alah ni sama cam iphone tapi size besar la. ( Besar sgt!!!) iPad ni superb coz korang leh view semua dlm size yg besar. Paling best kalo korang main game.. Perghhhhhh.. Heaven!!! Tapi aku still confuse nak beli ke x. Coz ape yg aku harap kan dari alat nie xde. Cam multifunction, camera.. Kalo diaorg leh adjust balik mabye aku akan beli. So terpaksa la waw terus kan niat membeli iPhone 4G. Heheheheh..

Vitamin C

So, to start a good day, must start with something nice right. So ini adalah the key. Everyday aku akan makan at least 2 biji untuk kesihatan badan. Yela kan. Sekarang nie penyakit merata-rata. Kadang2 duit yg kite pegang pun leh ada virus.. Computer yg keras pun leh kena virus. Ini kan manusia yg lemah lembut. So take vitamin c daily for good healthy life style. Leh ilang flu, ngatok and mcm2. Best!!!!!

1st quiz for 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Wawaa.. What a great kick start!! 1st quiz for 2010!! Ni subject VE (Virtual Enviroment). Suppose ada artical kena review, but then baca ala kadar je. So the result ala kadar gak!!!! Wawawa.. After this need to prepare for 2nd quiz soon..

And this afternoon, time lunch, aku suprised giler. Ape yg aku suspek menjadi. Siska dtg mkn kat tmpt mkn wa. Huhuh. And she seating behind my table. So there was a deal with my member. So kena la belanja diaorang fresh orange (3 gelas) and "sup pisang" !!!!! Hahahahaha

Dah dapat inspirasi

For real. Mmg xsangka leh dpt inspirasi nak tulis lik blog nie. Dlu slalu jgk update. Pastu on/off je. Xde masa. Nak layan FB lagi. Pening.. Tp thx to 1 person coz this person buat aku semangat lik nak tulis kat blog nie. So for now aku akan try update regarding aku my life spent.. Hope all my reader happy with it. Tq2.. Be happy in wat u working for.