Yup! Appreciation! The most honor thing yg semua org nak. Ape benda yg kita buat, xkira la besar kecik, yg penting mesti appreciate ape yg kite buat. Something just wonder npew susah sgt nak appreciate something. For us benda tu kecik, but other will thinks it as a big issues. Even gi umah kenduri kawin pun dapat bunga telur. That mean they really appreciate pada yg datang and to repay back diaorg kasi la bunga telur ( kadang-kadang gula2. Duit pun ada gak). But ada some part yg kite susah nak dpt appreciation dari org. Walaupun dah byk kali kite buat benda yg sama and hopping the same thing happen, they still dont get it. Kena cakap bahasa batu ke ape???? Sendiri mau ingat la. Kalo gi kedai mamak 2-3x, org lain dah hulur duit, so next time time kite lak kena hulur. Xberagak kalo tiap-tiap kali nak hulur. Tapi just remind our self that, we do good to people, either they treat us good or bad is up to them. Their own choice. The best part it, they will get pay back if they do bad to us. No need to wait until judgement day. Just couple minute.. Think well..
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